I was emailing with an old friend this am and I wanted to post my part of the conversation as a blog on current events…. May YHWH bless you and keep you and yours during these times in Yashuahs’/Jesus’ Name!
Ya, they are going wild weasel now. Their crimes are what they protest others do. Madness…. The republicans have no ideology and back no one and the Dems live by ideology and back their people legally or illegally.
Their game has been exposed, along with the Republicans that are Demoncats as well. They work for the satanic pedophile sacrifice state together, in their secret societies, think tanks, corporations, banks, govs, media, religions, fraternities, etc, infiltrating with their system of “intelligence” agencies that cross all national borders, orchestrated by the Tavistock Institute out of Great Britain.
Pretty interesting times. Never seen anything like it. The willful destruction of our own nation, without charges of sedition and or treason. Keith Olbermann this past week called for foreign governments to take down Trump, ON TV.
The global satanic cabal is better at the game than we are. We just have to stop playing their game. The only winning move is not to play and go forward with what is right, seek truth, fire thousands, and investigate all those who have taken part in the propaganda, lies, and illegal activities. Half or more of the nation, the part that works and produces, are with him.
It’s going to get real stinky from here. Trump keeps throwing them bones to keep going on. If he allows them to continue to run the government, he’s toast and the nation will go nuts. The worst part is “they” are purposefully pushing it, at any cost, right in front of half the nation who sees them clearly. They don’t care what it costs in division and blood. Power is the only thing that drives them. They don’t have a conscience like most of us people. They purposefully practice Satanism to eliminate conscience, separating themselves forever from the people and the only True God in Heaven.
The satanic cabal, headed up by the City of London, within London, destroys empires to raise up the new ones. When the economics get out of control from their thefts, they take us to global war. They really get going when the populations begin awaking to their schemes. Their goal is to eliminate/illuminate a good portion of the populations, eliminate all religions except Satanism, and destroy all nation states/their boundaries.
They are not going to stop. They have been at it for over 200 years for this phase. Unless the root is plucked, the people will continue to perish for lack of knowledge, heart, and conviction. Why doesn’t Trump go after Soros, Kissinger, Brzezinski, Clintons, Bushes, Gores, Rockefellers, Rothschild’s, Windsor’s, Schiff’s, Warburg’s, Morgan’s, Besos, Gates, etc!? They work for the queen bee in London. They are literally one family. Bloodlines….. Now you know why the people are the ones that die and not the so called “leaders/authorities.”
Only going after the root, satanic sexual sacrificial human trafficking rulers, destroying their temples, their groves, their altars, with capital punishment, will change the course of HIStory. If we repent from our ways and return to Him, He will heal our land.
Yashuah/Jesus, come soon.
May we be found worthy to be saved out. May Trump be a new Samson.
He has to fire everyone a couple levels down in most all agencies, replace Federal Judges across the nation, and most importantly for him to survive, perhaps not alive but as President, he has to go out to the people and rally them for support against Congress and Washington. He has to hammer his policies and not deal with theirs. Build THE WALL…. Build it on Spiritual grounds and knowledge. Decide this day whom you serve. Fence sitting these days is becoming the hottest seats in the world.
No more appearances on waste stream media, the states’ propaganda arm. They have monopolized everything. 6 of their corporations rule 90% of the media produced.
He has to order investigations into all associated, starting with the Clintons and Bushes, and follow the money to all parties; Queens, Kings, Congress Persons, Gov employees, military, intelligence agencies, private entities, think tanks, attorneys, bankers, etc. He has to bust up their monopolies, like Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc. He also has to get rid of agencies like the IRS, EPA, Education Dept, and their NGO’s, Non-Government Organizations.
He has to return the printing of our money back to Congress and get out of their global usury system. The current “Federal” Reserve in the US, was re-chartered in 1913 for 100 years. Their charter was up in 2013 and not even the folks who watch after this kind of stuff recognize there has been no re-charter of the Fed. Not a whisper mention of the subject. So it still operates as an un-constitutional private entity owned by the very kings of the earth that are backing the destruction of nations around the globe.
If he acts quickly, they may not have time to set off a nuke, bio weapon, shut off the power, wreck the economy, release a viral attack that shuts down the globe, etc. , in their scorched earth running. It’s to the point, he really needs to make certain right now, he replaces the few thousand officers and high ranking enlisted that Mr. O fired and replaced in the military. He will need them to make arrests.
He should start arresting high ranking government people, repubes, demoncats, military, intelligence, attorneys, bankers, etc. and hold them without bail for investigation and trial. Folks like Soros, Kissinger, Berezniki, should be arrested too. The arrests should come after he has been out with the people for a while, letting them know what’s going on, what he is up against, and what he wants them to do. Get on Congress and stay on them!
Trump is the President of the Constitutional United States Republic. Get er done. The fires are already going in the streets, might as well get it over with. The gov has built plenty of FEMA camps. Use them on them before they do on us if necessary. Always by law and fair trial.
If Trump actually were to try all this, he better be in a nuke proof Pope mobile and prepare the people for the day they would set off a nuke at a rally just to get him. The people can be told anyone did it. They can’t prove anything. A city is gone and who knows where the boom came from. So, it will be the Russians, Koreans, Iranians, or someone else that is blamed.
Yes, the Royal “Family” which has their top breeding of their bloodline seated in Windsor castle, they have never given up. When the revolutionary war was fought in the US, most of the nation knew who they were and what they are always up to.
Through the order of the Garter, they rule. The relatives of the royal family that are initiated and raised so, have been and still are in most all the top positions of the West and most of the world. The sun never set on the British Empire.
They even recognize themselves as the Cainite bloodline from the tower of babel, Nimrod. Hitler and the king of England before ww2, were not only family, but all of the kings’ sisters married Nazis. The king stepped down for WW2. WW2 was just another reorganizing phase. All but I think one of our Presidents, have been related to the Windsor’s/royal families of Europe. The Windsor’s are Germans posing as Brits. They took over the empire through bloodline marriages and wars within their own families. The dark ages was this period. It was also the period of transformation of The Faith once delivered to the Saints….
Acting through what you could think of as their earliest “intelligence” agencies, they used the Cabalists, Jacobians, Jesuits, and their Usury money system, through the Knights Templars, to take over Europe, the Vatican, and Palestine. The current Pope is a Jesuit, the first ever, and family. The intelligence agencies from Russia, to China, to India, to the US, etc, control their narratives for the people to be manipulated to their ends.
That’s about as concise synopsis I can give. If you research it, they brag about it, have written for hundreds of years about it, and feel even more so emboldened and distaining of us the people because we have not stopped them. We have fought them but not stopped them. The saints are being worn out.
The narrative we were taught is that the US is free of them and everything is ok. While they used us as the new proxy for The Empire, call it Great Britain, the US, whatever, doesn’t matter to them, their policies advance so long as the people are in the strong delusion. It’s going to get stronger, for both types of people, those that can see and those that can not or won’t.
The only solution is to seek truth through the heart of Yashuah/Jesus. Once the truth is found on any matter, then we have the judgment laced responsibility to do something. If we don’t, we have been measured and the fruit comes, ratcheting up the intensity of the next test of measuring. If the people do not act against unrighteousness again, the fruit is worse, to the point one day when all HELL/judgment will break loose.
They are working on what’s called the Global Brain right now. Throwing trillions at it. 5g is key. AT&T, Verizon, etc, are completely redoing their networks, globally.
A low orbiting satellite factory is being built in Florida. They are investing billions to produce 1000’s of satellites for total wi-fi coverage of the earth. Their plans are no one will own cars by 2030, drive them themselves, you will have a POD lease plan and can only go where they will allow. Even coke cans are being designed to take biometric info, listen to you, and be connected to the internet of everything. Makes the buying and selling thing from scripture come alive. You won’t be if you are not in their system and do as they wish, based upon a score. China is already doing such, just without the chips/mark at this point. Not much need for humans very soon.
They are going to replace governments, politicians, attorneys, judges, farmers, mechanics, doctors, surgeons, and just about everything else with this Global Brain/Internet of Everything. They won’t need most of all of those once you get rid of the gohim/chattel/aka mankind. Those trapped in the beast, will mostly be in a digital produced malaise, until they become non-useful. It’s Blade Runner crossed with Terminator, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Planet of the Apes, Armageddon, and Soilent Green.
They are working us towards, massive centralized “smart” cities with only robots to farm outside and special people to get to go to the countryside. Everything will be and is mostly already watching everything and reporting to computers deciding on life and death. The cities will have flying cars though…what fun…. They’ve been writing about it for a long time and even have made black and white films going back to the early 1900’s.
Something really happened when ww2 came along, the computer. IBM made the programs and computers for the Nazis to track their holocaust, aka; burnt fire sacrifice/s. They are even better at it today. Many American financial institutions and companies funded and built things for the Nazis, along with Stalin, and so on. Bloodlines and where is the money are the keys to exposing them. Folks like Kennedy, even being All in The Family, go rogue sometimes through history, like Lincoln, Jackson, Garfield, etc. Hopefully Trump too, haven’t been able to track his bloodlines very well, but when they go rogue or are not of the cabal, things happen and they write the history vs HIStory.
Katy Perrys “Bon Appétit” is a Nod to Occult Elite Rituals – The Vigilant Citizen
This pretty much says it all. They have almost more people today than not in their web to Lucifer. Until the battle is recognized as a real spiritual one between only two kingdoms, I suppose Yashuah is coming. Most are going to go for luciferianism.
Paradigm Shift