Tag Archives: spring equinox

Spring Equinox 2015

Please see below for our witness of the Spring Equinox for 2015.

This is from the location of Southern Colorado, United States.

Big Dial_200315_Colorado

Two Witnesses_200315_Colorado_PhCam

See also below a pic from Brother Floyd – another witness based in the United States who has a dial and has been measuring with us for the last few years.

Floyd_Mar_ 20 15

Emails and responses – Counting the Days

We have had dials set-up for a few years now and have diligently measured the equinoxes and solstices, as best as we are able.

We have observed the shadow lines in the middle of the dial – this shows the Spring Equinox and in our reckoning denotes the last day or turn day of the year (therefore we have just completed a 365 day year).

We will tomorrow (Gregorian Calendar day of Saturday 21st March 2015) start the count of the new biblical year – thus it will be Day 1 of the first month.

Shabbat will be on the 7th day of this count – thus Gregorian Calendar Friday 27th March 2015 will be the first shabbat of the new biblical year and then each subsequent Gregorian Friday will be the shabbat.

Pesach will be on the evening of the 14th day of the count thus Gregorian Friday 3rd April 2015 is when we will be celebrating Pesach.  The next day will be the 15th day of the first month, thus being the first day of unleavened bread, and so on.

This is simply the conviction that we have based on what we have observed and what we currently understand.  Please study these matters for yourself and walk in the conviction that you have.

All glory, honour, thanks and praise be to YHWH!

Keep looking up everything.