Hello All!
It’s been a while since we have posted headlines from around the world, covering the various subjects of life. Today you will be scrolling through the headlines of Earth Events since April of 2015. There are about 700 headlines that we will provide across seven posts, called “Catchup”. Absolutely amazing. That’s over 2 headlines a day for an entire year and we haven’t made it to April 2016 yet.
We have many more headlines we typically send out monthly covering Religion, Politics, the Economy, War, the Heavens, the Ancients, Education, PSYence, Medicine etc, but there is no way to post them all without hours and hours of work. This list of headlines on Earth and Mass deaths is right at 1k links since April of 2015.
We normally would have posted headlines weekly. We have never looked at the exponential totals throughout months like this. With about 700 headlines dealing with; tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, floods, droughts, sandstorms, fires, heat, cold, snow, hail, ice, strange sounds, cracks, earthquakes, disease, animal and fish deaths, out of whack jet streams and oceanic currents, etc. no one can say there isn’t something going on with the earth. And, even with “Climate Change” in the news, the news reports nary a word on the dramatic events occurring across the globe. Nope, just more bread and circus. They want us to be afraid but not aware. We just might start paying attention and questioning their “expert” factious based opinions.
With the “geo-engineering” being done through chem/aerosol trails, are they making things worse on purpose or trying to prevent what is happening, without a chance in H E double hockey sticks of stopping Judgment? Their “Climate Change” due to people and animals breathing and expiring gas are definitively proven NOT to be the cause. According to Scripture, it’s the condition of the heart of man. Torah Messiah Physics is in effect!
Most of the headlines are of individual events, which is INSANE when you consider the list starts in April 2015 on the Gregorian calendar. Some events are covered by several headlines, like the fires on the West Coast of the U.S. this year, the drought in California, and dozen or so predictive type headlines, dealing with subjects like “El Nino.” Which is entirely absurd. Reading through simply the “El Nino” predictions and the actual effects on the ground and in the ocean, hardly any of what has been forecasted has happened as the so called weather experts have modeled and predicted. The weather man is useless more today than yesterday. You first must know what causes weather to predict it, so goes all other earth events as well.