Observation of the heart


It has been over a week now since we concluded our observation efforts related to the Spring Equinox for 2017.  After much upward gazing, marking, photographing and writing we then set about adjusting to the new cycle.  Each year we learn something more and we notice how our bodies, rythyms and cycles have to adjust to the transition of the season and the year.  We also notice we are very much in tune with weather related events as our senses are paying attention through the process of observing.  Man continues to manipulate through daylight saving adjustments around this time of year as well.

Importantly, we also continue to observe our hearts.  As we reflect upon the observation period and include the various witness photos sent in this year we can’t help but highlight something for consideration.  It has to do with the state of our hearts during the time of our observation and witness.

Sometimes what we are actually seeing will not line up with what we think we should be seeing.  It takes a strong commitment to stand on what is.  You observe what you observe.  Our hearts will be tested.  Will we ensure our heart isn’t trying to make something fit and most certainly not trying to deceive, mislead or direct others to our preferred position?  If you hold to a 364 day calendar will your witness always have to ensure that is so?  Or a 365 or whatever?

This year we observed something that we didn’t expect.  It was however a faithful witness to what we observed.  Year after year we have moved ahead based on what we have observed.  We then count from that point.  Can we guarantee that we have absolute 100% undeniable accuracy in our devices, alignment and markings?  Of course not.  But we do know in our hearts that we have setup, tested and used them all to the best of our abilities and observed what we did.  The choice is then ours as to what we do about it.

The result becomes our “inconvenient truth” – we now deal with the adjustment in days, the effects on our working week and we keep moving.  We pray you also take the time to reflect upon the observations of your own heart as we begin this new biblical year.


The Paradigm Shift Team