Please see below for observation videos for last two days from the location of Weston, Colorado,USA.
Downunder observations in Sydney continue to be rained out with the drenching occuring down there.
17 March 2017
18 March 2017
Diagram and explanation on the cycle of the year
Comment on the video:
“We keep a 364 day year with 52 Shabbats, using the Spring Turn Day as an anchor. We start counting weeks, days, months, and to His Feasts starting the next day. So again, for the third year running, the 19th will be the spring turn day, with the 20th being day one of the year by the way we have come to count.
For us this year, Sundays will be Shabbat. So far, the Heavens and earth have not changed, the Gregorian does.
The Gregorian day changes by one day every year against the Heavens, not the date, but the day of the week. Last year the 19th was on a Saturday, this year it’s on a Sunday. See!?
This past year we kept Shabbat on Saturdays. The year before on Fridays, and the year before that on Thursdays. Their calendars, Gregorian and Jewish, do not align with the Heavens, thus the requirement for a leap year and or a 13th month in their calendars. All other calendars we have studied do the same types of things.
Shalom shalom, stay tuned. We will finish our witness for today and also for tomorrow. If He does not change the Heavens or the earth in the next 24hrs, tomorrow will be the turn of His Year.”
The Paradigm Shift Team