Trump’s Harvest


President Trump Should HARVEST From THE AMERICAN People to Refill the Government

With today’s technology, President Trump should be refilling the government with the American people who supported him, who defend the Constitution, and the Judeo-Christian Foundation that is THE bed ROCK of the United States of America. If you understand history and HIStory, there is nothing new under the sun. WE chose Kings over Him! 1st Samuel 8 for reference What has been will be until our King’s return because of OUR LAWLESSNESS of THE HEART between one another, through times and seasons never before seen nor will be again. He is on The Throne and He is not worried, nervous, nor confused. His Law Stands no matter what we do. I call it Yashuah Torah Physics……….

The President/King should be in the forefront, explaining to the American people that God and His Laws should be reenacted, as in the days of the lineage of our HEART Kings of our forefathers Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. David and Hezekiah are good examples. “Their” lawless satanic pillars, alters, groves, temples, laws of lawlessness, all must be cut down and burned.

We are at the point of repeating the days of Hezekiah unto a second Exodus, where the first Exodus will never be spoke of again. He told us many times never to forget the first Exodus, for a reason. He has SPOKEN, there will be a second Exodus and the first will never be spoken of again.

With the vast changes technology is doing and will do within the next ten to twenty years, the United States of America and ALL nations, WILL succumb under the changes that are already exponentially occurring. The Masses WILL take The Mark to save their flesh and not their souls. It IS WRITTEN…. It is also WRITTEN, YOU will have to go through times and times never before seen nor will be again.

No matter how you slice and dice the “national” and “world affairs” “they” cause and present to us daily in order to keep us in a state of confusion and division, the Deep State/Dark State is spending Trillions on a GLOBAL SKY NET transformation, right under our noses! LITERALLY, almost ALL nation state and world affairs are nothing more than bloodletting obfuscation to keep the people from seeing what they are really up too.

President Trump of the United States of The Empire, is either a part of the delusion or he is not, a Sampson, David, Gideon, Hezekiah or a Hitler, Stalin, Windsor, Castor, Chavez, Mao, Pol Pot, or a Kim Jun ILL in North Korea or a Xi Jinping of China today . I do not believe it matters. ALL Nations OF THIS world are doomed, including the United States of America. The end is always advancing and we will get there. If we are honest with ourselves, we have no idea how it will all work out. But we, HIS people, do know the course.

Currently speaking, without a major replacement of ALL government EMPLOYEES in the head Nation of The Empire, the United States of America, there will be little flesh left soon, with The Return of OUR KING. BILLIONS of “chattel” will be “culled” through wars, disease, famine, earthy, and heavenly events, as they desire, and those that are left will be serving in the matrix forever IF we are not saved.

In order to not only drain “the swamp” but hear a giant sucking sound, the President/King of the empire should give the ”government” jobs to Americans all over the Nation who work from home or in their own town offices. Reach the people and validate the true authority OF the people, use the people, the true power, and give the people their country and most importantly their belief back.

If Trump the “Golden King”, went on the road, with a crash course program of a goal of firing and hiring in one year, doing whatever it takes, “sparing no expense”, hiring Americans, the nation would explode with LIFE. Even if he stays in an undisclosed location with tweets, twinkies, and fireside chats, less “they” nuke him, the nation would come to LIFE again……..

For those jobs that require some presence in the current District of Criminals, hire Americans who are willing to make the trip. Congress doesn’t hang around but for about a third of the year doing anything.   Congress and the “Supreme” Court would shape up real fast with real non-localized Americans populating the system. Washington was never meant to operate 24/7 nor have a standing Army. The only thing they do is entangle us in the affairs of others for their own profit at the expense of our sweat, blood, and tears.

If you’re going to be President/King, be the President/King, as the chief Constitutional Law Enforcement Officer of the nation and Chief Executive……… USE the back ground checks on all Americans already in the data base of the Dark States CIA and NSA. Use their system against them………

If you’re going to have an Education Department, hire real teachers…..

If you’re going to have a Defense Department, hire real Vets. Get a bunch of them off the streets…..

If you’re going to have a Food and Drug Administration, hire real farmers, cooks, and Scientists

If you’re going to have a Health Department, hire real doctors and nurses

If you’re going to have a Commerce Department, hire real economists

If you’re going to have a Military, hire real MEN and do not put women on the battlefield

If you’re going to have an Attorney General, hire real investigators and attorneys

If you’re going to have an FBI, hire real cops, vets, and investigators

You get the picture….

Trash the CIA, NSA, and leave the “intelligence” up to the NEWLY repopulated Military and DEFENSE Department

Trash the Federal Reserve and pull a Lincoln. Actually follow the Law, The Constitution

Trash the IRS, the un Constitutional collection agency of the elites and simply fi the tax code to one page.

Reenact Glass Stegal to stop usury trading

Enforce the Anti-Trust act to reduce the influence of “the powers that be” over the nation

Enforce Immigration

Enforce Tariffs

Enforce The Trading With Enemies Act and PROSECUTE……………………….. This will clear out the upper echelon of corruption for the sake of the Americans being hired; brown, black, white, red yellow, pink, orange, or green……

Enforce Property Rights and the Constitution, return control of all Federal Lands, not for Defense, back to the states. Seek every way to return power to the states and the people. Let the states negotiate with one another on any issue. Stop the “money for control scheme” from the District of Criminals.

Lastly, the advances in computing, genetics, robots, AI intelligence, Krypto currencies, and more, is and will vastly change societies globally. Within 10-20 years, the trillionare and billionare elites that rule us today, plan on no one driving their own cars any longer, forcing everyone into mega cities, chipping everything and anything you can imagine with already produced microscopic tracking and data gathering chips, even in food and clothing. Paint spread on a wall could have millions of these chips embedded. Appliances are already communicating with the “Internet of Everything.” With WiFi 5g, anything and everything you do, right down to the chips inside you telling them your heart beat, will be going to the “Global Brain.”

All the chaos occurring in the Nations around the globe are a great distraction/strong delusion from what the elite are actually advancing upon the people. Our enemy is not Islam, not Russia, not the guy next door, it’s the “ROYAL BLOODLINE” Trillionare and Billionare satanic elite who own 90% of the media and keep us hopping and making bricks without straw. AKA… The Royals of Europe with the Queen Bee head and all their imps like; Kissinger, Bezos, Morgan, Rockefeller, Zuckerberg, Gates, Soros, Buffet, etc. All in all, they only make up a few thousand people from the nations around the world, including a lot of “heads of state.”


If at first you do not succeed; try, try, again….. If you can’t reach them to prosecute them…..use swords and chainmail against them…… Have you ever noticed, it’s the people who die and not the “heads.” If you were in a war, wouldn’t you go after the heads of a hydra? If you want to go after the enemy, you first have to identify the enemy. Once identified, destroy the enemy. If you want to bomb something; bomb the three city states and most capital palaces around the globe, from West to East and North to South……. Make sure they are in their beds beforehand with their global data gathering network they have imposed upon the people. Then send special ops in to clean up, releasing the men, women, and children they use for their rituals in their dungeons.

Shalom and Praise Be to Yashuah OUR KING!!!

Todd and the Paradigm Shift Team