Walk the peaks and valleys

trekking-245311_150We watched another mountain climbing movie the other night.  It was on K2 and the disasters that occurred.  It was so clear to me why people do such things.  It was really amazing to see the massive pyramid shadow thrown off the top of K2, leading all the way into China.  Incredible.  What a shot for the godless and vain pursuit of flesh without understanding.

There are literally lines of people crawling as broken hearted ants up and down mountains all over the world.  Lines of people holding on to ropes, paying 10’s of thousands of dollars, just to get to the top of some dumb ass rock…….Rock n Roll baby….

What our souls are searching for and torture us for is THE ROCK.  What do they actually find when they don’t die getting to “their” mountain?  Not a nary of Yah or Yashuah in the K2 film, leaving souls still lost in deathly confusion, seeking the next self-sacrifice I suppose!?  It’s a film of death not life…….

I was shocked the other day with the realization how long I have been blessed to get to where I get to see out my East office window more sunrises than most ever see in their lifetimes.  I just keep going and it takes me awhile to smell the roses, not just the turds left in my wake I choose to make.

I now have a heightened sense of where the sun should be each morning in relation to the clock, so long as I don’t jump like a good froggy and change the hours/Horus’es around with “spring forward” and “fall back”, interesting commands from the enemy.

The sun rise is getting closer and closer to rising on the spring turn at 6am, which we know it should do again at the fall turn.  I have an internal expectation now as to the extent of the travel of the sun rises, along with the cycles of the seasons and our seasons of life within His Feasts/Time.  The dials give a continual awareness and or break you open to it.  That’s if you stick with it, through the Peaks and Valleys……

I can almost smell the rising now and it awakens me before it happens.  In the beginning of becoming aware of anything, we get real excited and for longed, seeing lots of things, learning lots of things, then we have to come off the Peak, going down is the hard part, back down again into our souls, the peak forces us so.  When we reach the valleys of green grass and flowing waters, we lose interest, get comfortable, rest on our laurels, expecting this is IT and we have arrived.

We know we cannot stay on the peaks but we revel in our accomplishment, which is fleeting in our flesh, because we know we must go back down into our souls again, individually and together, if we want to Live.   In the green valley, time wears on us and we know if we don’t get up out of the valley and go over the next peak, we will not be fulfilled, we realize even in the valley, we are dying and not living.

The Spirt keeps driving us, to test us, to see what we will do next or not.  Its life and we want to live.  The problem is, we really do not understand what life is.  So, HE presses us on, whether we stay stuck in the mud of the valley or on a peak, calling it good in our heart broken delusions.  We know if we are honest with ourselves and Him, we must get moving again in submission of heart and a willingness to overcome, doing the business of Living.

I’m excited about this year’s witness in a different way.  Like a maturING spirit thing.  It’s comfortable, like I have my breath and ready to start finally walking up the next mountain.  With the life maturing process in Yashauh, I know my past patterns and use them for myself and others.  I speak about them with confidence.  Not like what I didn’t understand before and feared to speak about, but with humble boasting in my weaknesses in the hard won hope that others will make it too.

My fervent prayer always is that I won’t climb the next peak like the last patterns of my life, I don’t want to have to do it again, recognizing, acknowledging my patterns, keeping them in mind on a daily basis, step by step, less I lose focus and fall, using these things I thought was about me for others, and in doing so serving Him.  There’s going to be another peak, another downward trek, another valley, and another mountain.  Becoming confident in the pattern, gives clarity in our willful confusion we understand we delude ourselves with.  My biggest fear is being deluded by myself.  How can I know how deluded I am?  I am knows.  If we go through it, the strong delusion falls away in a process of the revealing of all things of the world and in us at the same time.  We cannot separate the two.  Most of us want one or the other and as a result we miss the Big Picture.

I know if I don’t recognize and use my patterns for myself, my family, and others, I will make all the same mistakes again, harm others, get stuck somewhere along the way, and or possibly bring death for myself and others.

The next peak I hit, I won’t be as giddy blown away about the view, understanding better about the dangers of going down to the next beautiful valley.  I enjoyed the walk but we have to keep moving, while taking a little time to enjoy the sunshine and view on the peak.  We have to go down, can’t stay in the clouds.  We must continuously walk the peaks and valleys of our souls.  We all want to stay on either the Peak or in the Beautiful Valleys……….attempting to avoid the difficulties that we create and the NEXT task to overcome.

Life is not the karate class we were interested in when we were young and then moved on to something else, forgetting we need to understand why we chose to do something and then do it or do it not with all our heart.  Otherwise we waste what we have been given to LIVE, Life……  The most precious of gifts….that we all take for granted in our heart broken injuries trying to figure out what Life is and is not.

